News & Advice

What Does Being On Bail Mean?

What Does Being On Bail Mean?

Being on bail means that you have been released from custody while your criminal case is pending and that you are required to comply with certain conditions of your release as set by the court.

When you are released on bail, you are typically required to post a certain amount of money to guarantee that you will appear in court as required. This money is known as bail and is typically set by a judge based on several factors, such as the nature of the charges against you, your criminal history, and your likelihood of appearing in court.

In addition to posting bail, you may be required to comply with other conditions of your release, such as checking in with a probation officer, refraining from contact with certain individuals, or complying with a curfew. These conditions are designed to ensure that you comply with all of the requirements of your release and that you do not risk public safety or flee from the jurisdiction.