News & Advice

In What Cases Bail Can Be Granted

In What Cases Bail Can Be Granted?

In What Cases Bail Can Be Granted? Bail is available in almost all cases except when there is a death penalty.  It is largely up to the court and the judge to…
do you have to pay the full bail bond

Do You Have To Pay The Full Bail Bond?

Paying the full bond will ensure that you can be released from custody until your court date. There are some bonds that do not require payment. An unsecured bond or signature bond…
What Is an Unqualified Legal Opinion

What Is an Unqualified Legal Opinion?

What Is An Unqualified Legal Opinion? An unqualified legal opinion is a legal opinion issued by a bond counsel for the issuer of municipal securities where there are no reservations relating to…
What Is A Surety Bond In Court

What Is A Surety Bond In Court?

Surety bonds are like an insurance policy for the person who requires the bond. Many are the times where the government agency is the obligee, and so a bond is presented to…