Ankle Bracelet Monitoring – 316-491-0984

Newton Ankle Bracelet Monitoring Service – 316-491-0984

We provide ankle bracelet monitoring and tracking for people in wichita under house arrest in Newton, KS. We use one of the world’s smallest, lightest and most precise ankle tracking devices, it’s sleek, professional and not like the bulky models that other ankle bracelet monitoring companies are using.

Our job is to work through the process with you, your family or friend in a professional, kind, and caring manner. Our heartfelt desire is to assist in any way we can and help our clients develop new strategies and goals to never have the impulse to make decisions that put you in your situation again.

We want to be there for you through the process of going through the court system and even afterward. Read more about us.

How Do Ankle Bracelet Monitoring Systems Work?

An ankle bracelet monitor is a GPS home tracking device that sends a radio frequency signal to a monitoring device, these days, the signal can be seen from almost anywhere. If the ankle bracelet is in any way tampered with, a notice is sent to the monitoring device and authorities will be on their way to your location, usually within minutes.

Alerts are sent to your probation officer or supervisor when you are at work, home or school.

Can You Shower With Ankle Monitor?

The ankle bracelet is extremely water resistant, you can shower with it however dunking it in water is not recommended.

Are Ankle Monitors Waterproof?

Technically, they can be submerged and maintain waterproof resistance by up to 50 feet.  Due to the chance of some water getting into the device, you run the risk of disabling the device and causing a violation or alert to go off, so dipping the bracelet in water is not recommended.

What Does An Ankle Bracelet Detect?

Outside of simply tracking your location, the ankle bracelet can detect whether or not you have been drinking through sensors that touch your skin.

How Long Does A GPS Ankle Bracelet Battery Last?

Some bracelets are different than others. Some need charging or replacing the battery every 2 days. It needs to be recharged every.

What Is The Range Of An Ankle Monitor?

Your location is known as close as 5 feet. With older models of ankle bracelets, a device had to be inside the home that detects your distance via short wave tracking, but now we have GPS locators that give a location as close as 5 feet around you.

Do All Scram Bracelets Detect Alcohol?

Yes, the new ankle bracelets for house arrest can detect alcohol, they use sensors that can determine alcohol levels through the skin; any attempt to block the sensor from touching the skin, will likely result in the alert going off to your supervisor or probation officer.