News & Advice

What Happens If You Don’t Appear In Court For A Summons?

What Happens If You Don't Appear In Court For A Summons?

The consequences can be severe if you receive a summons to appear in court and fail to attend without a valid reason.

They can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the type of case involved, but they may include the following…

  1. A warrant may be issued for your arrest – If you fail to appear in court as required by a summons, the judge may issue a warrant. This means law enforcement officials will be authorized to arrest you and bring you before the court to address your non-appearance.
  2. Your case may proceed without you – If you fail to appear in court, the judge may proceed with your case without you. This means that the case may be decided in your absence, and you may not be able to present your case or defend yourself.
  3. Additional fines or penalties may be imposed – If you fail to appear in court as required by a summons, the judge may impose additional fines or penalties on top of any existing fines or penalties associated with your case. This can result in increased financial costs and legal problems.

If you cannot attend the court appearance, notify the court immediately and provide a valid reason for your absence. Depending on the jurisdiction and the type of case involved, you may be able to request a postponement or adjournment of the hearing.